Love Your Body Program

This is a 21-day online program. Do you know how essential it is for your mind to be attentive toward what your body needs? Lack of mind-body connection or not hearing your body’s signals of discomfort can lead to severe absence of energy, chronic diseases, low motivation, and can affect your daily routines and overall well-being.

This Program Includes the Following Activities

We believe our body is our first task to take care of to build the life we dream about. Our activities in ‘Love Your Body’ Program help you to create a conscious and necessary mind-body connection.

  • Define what are the inner and outer sources of the love towards your body
  • Work on the mind-body addictions and their reasons consciously
  • Considering diseases as a non-wish to only hear our real dreams and our real self without them
  • Identifying and studying the connection between your emotions and how your body reacts to them. Further working on ways to manage the emotions
  • We will also define what are the reasons for perfectionism for you
  • Learning ways to manage anxiety, hyper control, unhealthy effects on the body, etc
Love Your Body Program