Entries by annag

Preventative wellness, the ultimate to wellness

If we observe the evolving wellness trends, we find most of them to be preventative. Efforts to enhance overall wellbeing are aimed to keep our mind and body free from ailments and disorders by making healthy and informed lifestyle choices. When we talk about various wellness treatments, it does not solely mean addressing a specific […]

Wellness matchmaking – why it is important

Professionals in the wellness business most often miss a vital thing – wellness matchmaking. It means providing exactly the right kind of services or products keeping in mind the individual’s unique requirements. If an individual is suffering from lack of sleep or muscular disorders, merely suggesting any wellness retreat or program will not suffice. You […]

Mind Wellness in Organizations

Happy employees make happy organizations. And it is not all about health and monetary incentives. How well are employees connected to their work? Employers stressing on Mind wellness programs have significant benefits than those who do not. Workplace anxiety and burnouts are common in today’s competitive world and unless there is a mind-body synergy at […]

Technological development in wellness

As the wellness industry sees a steep growth, it makes sense that innovative tech wellness products will have a great moment. In fact, it has grown beyond the Fitbit and smartwatch. The biggest advantage of wellness tech advancement lies in empowerment. You need to be in charge of your wellbeing with regular tracking of outcomes […]